Friday, November 28, 2008

The power of words, and then choices.

By Chinwe Amala Enemchukwu.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits."

It is a wonderful thing to know that words are exactly what they are---words; which come out and then evaporate and go with the breeze. Spoken word, that is, will come out and then fade away. Written words can equally be erased or discarded. People hearing or reading words can use words anyway they choose to, take them to heart and react accordingly, or hear them and no matter how bad they are, make a decision even though difficult, to have total control over their reaction to those words.

Painful words, especially when laced with lies can cut as sharp as a knife and inflict such pain. Painful words have driven people to end their lives, to take another person's live or just to go through life feeling less than what God designed them to be. Painful words can kill a human spirit.
Painful words spoken in a competitive setting as in a debate or campaign are best put aside with a handshake at the end of the exercise and left right there.
Rising up above hurtful words and lies which are meant to cut down is a difficult task which if, and when mastered, is an art that brings great joy and peace. The task starts with learning to know and love who one is. Armed with the knowledge that people are made in the image of God and the knowledge that God is not in the business of making garbage or useless creations, it becomes easier to start learning how to take those fiery arrows of hurtful words, lies and half truths in stride. It may be weighing the heart down, with tears stinging the eyes, but as soon as one remembers that whoever is saying or writing these words is not even in control of the air that goes in and out of them to make those words possible, the impact of the arrows start fading away instantly. It starts making it clear that those words may actually be the outlet for inner turmoil and pressure for the speaker or writer. Looking at it that way puts the hearer in a position to switch from being a victim to being a person who extends pity and compassion to the speaker. Blessed are the merciful---- for they shall obtain mercy and the mercy works wonders, wiping off the pain and replacing it with fulfillment and joy and appreciation of God's gifts many of which are taken for granted.

A person who just received the bad news that they may not live to the end of the year will not mind hearing a few bad painful words if that will change their bleak situation. Putting words in their right place, in the air, helps blow them away and if written words, read and erase off the mind and dwell on blessings all around, counting them; good health, sight, hearing, the ability to walk, children, family, to mention a few. In other words, blessings wipe away the impact of hateful words.

Words are powerful. Words can do so many different things. They can edify. They can diminish. Words can unite. They can disperse. Bad, hurtful words have the tendency to destroy but we as humans with the ability to CHOOSE can choose the way we react to words, which includes rising above bad words, trying to put into consideration the speaker of the words and what drives a person to speak or write hurtful words. The focus becomes the source of the words. The best thing becomes to make the choice to let the speaker of the hurtful words off the hook completely. That gets rid of garbage and baggage which can weigh down a person in an unbelievable manner. Such garbage can hold down a person, preventing progress, preventing happiness, stealing peace and fulfillment.

The best thing to do then becomes to choose to let words be just what they are---Words. In one way, out the other.
This Thanksgiving, I am very thankful for the ability to let words be just words and nothing more. God's word never changes and that makes all the difference in the world. Man's words on the other hand, as powerful as they may be are not carved in stone, will not necessarily have real power, unless we let them.
Novenber 2008.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


NOVEMBER 15 2008.


Saturated fat and Unsaturated fat are the two main categories of fats that appear in foods. Saturated fat is distinguished from unsaturated fat in that there are no double bonds between carbon atoms in its chemical makeup, so that the fatty acids are saturated with hydrogen.Naturally occurring saturated fat, such as the fat found in animal-based foods, and a few plants namely Palm oil and Coconut oil congeal when cool, while naturally occurring unsaturated fat, such as olive oil, remains fluid.An unsaturated fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there are one or more double bonds in the fatty acid chain. A fat molecule is monounsaturated if it contains one double bond, and polyunsaturated if it contains more than one double bond. Where double bonds are formed,hydrogen atoms are removed,--Thus, a saturated fat is "saturated" with hydrogen atoms.In cellular metabolism hydrogen-carbon bonds are broken down - or oxidized - to produce energy, thus an unsaturated fat molecule contains less energy (i.e fewer calories) than a comparable sized saturated fat.Also, the greater the degree of unsaturation in a fatty acid, the more vulnerable it is to (rancidity (spoiling). That means that saturated fatty acids last longer than unsaturated fatty acids. An oil with saturated fatty acids (palm oil, Coconut oil) will have longer shelf life than an oil with monounsaturated fatty acid (Olive,Peanut,canola),which will in turn have longer shelf life than an oil with polyunsaturated fatty acid (Sunflower,Corn,Safflower, Soy oil ).Saturated fats can become solids (congeal) at room temperature while unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. Saturated fat is less likely to spoil than Unsaturated fat.Saturated fats give an unhealthy boost to cholesterol levels while unsaturated fats don't.Saturated fats come from mostly animal sources with the few exceptions already mentioned( palm and coconut oils.) If your cholesterol levels are alright and you live a healthy lifestyle, you don't have to worry too much about these oils.When unsaturated fats are "hydrogenated"--- hydrogen added, ( they become solidified so they resemble butter at room temperature) Examples are margarine and trans fats. That's why butter which is from animal source and has saturated fat is not really worse than margarine, which is from plant source but at the same time, the unsaturated fat has been hydrogenated making it like saturated fat and is now in solid form and equally as bad. They continue to raise cholesterol levels like butter and also they lower the good lipoprotein(HDL) which carries good cholesterol.

To avoid confusing people, the recommendation is as follows:For healthy people who have normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, who are active and eat a balanced diet, you can use any oil you like, to moderation. Avoid rancid (spoilt oil).
For people with cholesterol and triglyceride problems and cardiovascular disease , avoid oils with saturated fats and also hydrogenated unsaturated fats. These will make matters worse, will actually boost your cholesterol levels. Best choices are Olive, peanut or Canola oil
( monounsaturated) Do not use peanut (groundnut oil) if you are allergic to peanuts.

Despite all the bad rap palm oil receives, it remains a very good oil with a lot going for it. Yes, it has saturated fatty acids but it also contains many potent antioxidants, including beta-carotene, pro-vitamin A carotenoids and tocotreinols, a form of vitamin E. These give it the bright red color and rich flavor. If you love palm oil and have no cholesterol and wieght problems, by all means continue to enjoy it, especially in Abacha ncha and as long as you don't use too much of it or use spoilt rancid oil.
Coconut oil has been hailed for it's benefits for the skin, hair, weight loss, increased immunity, stress relief, to mention a few. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti fungal, antibacterial, and emollient.

The Trans-fat story:
When consumers became aware of the drawbacks of saturated fats and started trying to avoid them, food makers made a quick brilliant change. The saturated fats---- palm oil, coconut oil , animal fat were replaced with trans-fats which are actually unsaturated oils to which hydrogen atoms have been added ( hydrogenation) making them like saturated fats like butter, animal fat or solid palm oil, to be used in baked goods and margarine. The baked goods with trans fats also had long shelf lives. On the label, the fat did not show and people were deceived thinking the products were fat-free. It took the Obesity epidemic for this practice to be exposed. Nowdays, the trans fats are also listed on the label.

1. When a product is labelled " Cholesterol Free", it may still be loaded with fat.
CHOLESTEROL and FAT are not synonymous ( the same).
Fat is for Energy.
Cholesterol has numerous functions some of which were mentioned in the first part of this write up.
A good example of food with zero cholesterol but plenty of fat is the Avocado, which is cholesterol- free but is still packed with unsaturated fat

Saturated fats tend to cling together and form artery-clogging plaques like cholesterol while unsaturated fats are larger and slide past each other, leaving blood vessels clear. In other words, unsaturated fats will not clog your arteries, but you will still gain weight with too much of them.

The name of the game is using these oils in moderation, and not going over the daily fat requirement in your diet by maintaining a balanced diet and being active, with regular exercise and getting enough sleep.
Being in a good mood also helps keep you healthy. Some Endorphin boosters (endogenous morphine) which your body releases for good mood, makes you feel good, (high ) are hot pepper,( believe it or not), thinking positive thoughts, laughter,exercise, dark chocolate, sunlight -exposure,massage therapy, Orgasm.

Ps: If you have ulcers or are allergic to pepper, then avoid it. Other than that hot pepper in addition to being an endorphin booster, helps clear stuffy noses, and helps in many other ailments---