Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Silence is linked with Gold
As in the American proverb--
"Silence is golden, speech is silver"
A very wise proverb indeed,
stressing the precious value of gold.

But never has silence been so
directly linked with Gold, or to the hunt of it,
As in the villages of Zamfara State,
where the rush for the precious metal
In an abandoned open mine,
Has dealt hard blows to the mettle
Of many in Zamfara and the world.

Silence, deafening silence, no longer golden
to the ears of villagers who now
live with silence, day after day,
night after night.
Silence in place of childish chatter
and laughter, and play, and loving, all
no longer possible.
Utter silence.

Children led away by death, holding
hands with Lead, from the mine of Gold.
Leaving behind, silence, no longer Golden.

Nwada Chinwe Enemchukwu,
Onye ụwa ọma
na Orlando, FLorida.
Copyright © June 8 2010.

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